Sunday, February 25, 2007

Telephone Game

Remember the telephone game from when you were a kid? Maybe you played it at camp, or at school. Someone is given a sentence to start the game with and with everyone sitting in a circle, the message is passed around verbally in the form of whispers in the ear of the next person. The message will inevitably change as it travels from person to person.

I don't know if it is still popular. These days I hear that people in noisy clubs will ask someone to dance and then imply that what they actually said was 'You look fat in those pants.' Kids can be so cruel.

Anyway, PayPerPost is announcing that they are going to make an announcement. Ain't they just crazy? They are encouraging bloggers to guess at what this announcement might be. I can only assume that some of the conjecture will be mistaken for fact. This will probably create internet drama. I think it may be possible that RockStartUp, the reality show being made around the PPP staff is being picked up by some type of broadcaster. There are fast changes happening right now with internet television, so it could be that. It could be a specialty cable station. It could be that Ted is going in for mandibular surgery so that he can be photographed with his mouth closed. Is this picture from the turn of the century the same Ted Murphy? It is so hard to be sure.

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