Friday, February 02, 2007

Drug Rehab That Works

A lot of drug rehab programs target their advertising to the family and loved ones of addicts. They stress how great their facility is, how qualified their staff is etc.

For an addict that needs help, the most important thing about a rehab program is whether or not it is going to work. Stone Hawk has a 76% success rate. That might sound low to a non addict. It is not low.

The success stories coming out of this place are great, but it shocking to see how young people are when they start down the road of addiction. And it shocking to see what drugs they choose.

When I was a kid I had a lot of freedom. I could pretty much go where I wanted and see who I wanted. Back then, my parents probably knew I would try marijuana, and they certainly knew I would experiment with alcohol. It might shock them now to know that I had the opportunity to try LSD (I abstained).

I live in fear that somebody will offer crack to my children at some point in their childhood. I have done all that I can do to educate them and instill them with some sense, but I know that I won't be there when it is time for them to make that decision. And that person who wants my kid to take a dangerous drug, is going to be front and center.

Stone Hawk has chosen to use the NARCONON program because of its effectiveness. They have a very intensive detox process that involves saunas. Removing and cleaning the build-up of drug metabolites in the tissues of the human body is an important step in getting well.

The psychological part of the process involves learning a lot of coping skills that many non addicts mistakenly think are instincts. There are a lot of life skills that many addicts simply have not yet learned. It takes time and practise to master these.

I have no problem promoting any treatment alternative that has some chance of success, because not getting help is not an option worth considering.

This is a sponsored post.

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