Friday, February 23, 2007

A Drug Rehab Website

I like this website called CordBlood DrugRehab. They serve a valuable purpose by offering very detailed and current information about current drugs of choice and the drug culture. Responsible friends and parents can use the information to identify problems in addicts and abusers.

I remember when I was younger and still living with my parents. They had my best interests in mind when they talked to me about drugs, but to be honest, they were really behind the times. I am sure that they were completely unaware that LSD was being used in our community. They were shocked when I told later told them that I had been offered the drug a number of times.

Now I can only imagine that I am behind the times a bit as well. Take the topic of Sextasy for instance. before looking at this site, I had no idea that clubbers have started combining Ecstasy (MDMA) and Viagra (sildenafil citrate). That seems like a very stupid thing to do, there is a greatly increased risk of heart problems. But I can imagine the head space of somebody who might think it is a really good idea.

I think beyond parent/child relationships, we should all be aware and responsible and look out for each other when it comes to the dangers of recreational drugs.

I think this is the most important page on the site, it's about the warning signs of drug abuse.

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