Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Net Safety For Your Kids

I have children. Our strategy to keep them safe in real life is to be a demonstrably active and aware part of their everyday lives. With respect to their activities on the internet, they are old enough that we feel it is neccessary to allow them some real privacy. We ask quetions. The wrong answers and/or the wrong way of answering can be a trigger for some further investigation.

We have discussed the idea of a keylogger with them. Naturally they don't like the idea. Way have said in no uncertain terms that we have every right to install a keylogger on any of the computers in the household. Maybe we have.

Safeguarding your kids is just one use of a keystroke logger. Such a system would allow for retrieval of lost passwords and usernames on the PC's that we use for our livelihood. There have been times when a forgotten password has cost us time and money. Obviously you have to have a password for the logger, but it is kind of like having one of those locking cabinets to keep all your important keys in.

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