Friday, March 09, 2007

I Support Your Nutz

Putting an American flag on your radio antenna is patriotic. It says that you are proud of your country and the freedom for which it stands. Putting an unfeasibly large set of extruded nylon testicles on your bumper tells everyone that you are proud to live in a free country AND you are not afraid to TEST that freedom.

Check it out...Your Nutz POW/MIA Urban Camo

Oh, and flags increase drag on your car, further increasing our addiction to oil.

There are men who say that there should be limits to the freedom of expression that American citizens enjoy. Coincidentally, one of these men is the Commander in Chief of the World's most powerful army. Neither this man, nor his second in command had the balls to serve overseas during wartime (or more accurately they had better things to do).

Politicians in Congress are actually debating about the banning of Your Nutz. The company that brings you fake testicle auto accessories has announced that they are donating 25% of the sale price of two models to POW and Support the Troops related charities and programs.

I choose NOT to put fake testicles on the back bumper of my car, but I will fight with all my might for the right to do so if I want. Your Nutz POW/MIA Urban Camo

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