Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Britney Spears' Mental Health

I want to preface this by saying that I have some doubts about the latest news about Britney, so much so that I am choosing to not repeat it.

The question I really want to get out in the open is this:
"If Britney Spears is suffering from a severe bout of mental illness, why isn't she in a facility that is better equipped to deal with it?"

I think the answer can be summed up in two words...Public Relations.

Promises is possibly going against their policies to keep the most famous train wreck in the World at their facility for the sake of the priceless publicity. Britney or the people looking out for Britney want her at a comfy place where normal, not crazy people go to get their heads straight.

Promises runs another rehab as a charity for low income mothers. How long do you think one of those women would be able to act the way Britney is reportedly behaving before they were transported to a place with less sun decks and more padded walls? I don't think the Sharpie ink on her forehead would have a chance to dry before she was in an ambulance.

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