Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Waiting for Ruben...

Ruben is a guy who used to run one of the busiest Britney Spears Fansites on the net. He got some press for coming out of the closet as an one of the many ex-fans who were really disappointed in Britneys tragic inability to deal with life.

His other project, aptly called That Other Blog, is a exercise in post fandom reality. I like his writing style and the cautiously hopeful attitude that he has taken about the post rehab Britney.

His most recent post is about Britney's first actual performance in recent memory. I will return to his blog after he gets the chance to review her performance in his home town. There is already loads of reviews and pictures of last night's San Diego show.

A synopsis of the House of Blues performance:

Britney was not engaging.

Britney looked pretty good.

Britney can dance.

I haven't found a review of the music. It's not about the music. I think at this point the music selection is a about as important as it is for a figure skating routine. Half the people watching are just waiting for somebody to fall down.

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