Monday, May 07, 2007


Here is a poster for the movie about a cartoon bug who overcomes great odds to save the day...


For the love of everything that you hold dear, do not mistake this shocking new horror film for a happy funny bug movie. The trailer should clarify things for you if you had any doubt. There were too many cute bug movies already anyway. If you really thing about it, when was the last time you saw a cute bug? And how many times have you been repulsed by one?

This trailer tells you a lot about how things go for these character. Not well. I can't wait for the bug movie
to come out on DVD so I can take it on a camping trip. I have watched other movies starring Ashley Judd and she always brings intensity to her roles. Just to get you in the mood for this movie, which appears to be set largely in a motel, bed bugs are a growing problem in NYC. Out in the country there are ticks that carry Lyme disease. Scabies are an microscopic insect that lays it's eggs under the skin of humans and the larva spend their lives there before emerging as adults. Its the circle of life. I prefer this goth looking poster to the one at the top of my post.

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