Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Blinds Help You Sleep All Day

Some resourceful celebrities have a secret weapon that they use to shield themselves from those unscrupulous papparazzi. Actually it's not much of a secret at all, they use Blinds. In addition to privacy, these great products also protect your house from the radiant heat of the sun.

All joking aside, I have to say that there was a time in my life when serious blinds like these Blackout Blinds were important to my health and well being. I worked at night, from 7pm to 7am, and if I couldn't get to sleep during the day I was a train wreck by the end of the week. I think the only thing worse than bright light for your quality of sleep is leaving the television on while you are trying to sleep. Whether you work all night or Rock'n'roll all night, you should get good ligh blocking blinds so you can sleep all day. I have it on good authority that KISS did not party every day.

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