Friday, November 23, 2007

Why Are They Calling Britey's BF a Waiter?

It is cliche to say that there are no waiters in LA. If you ask any one of them, they will tell you that they are an actor or a singer or a screenwriter.

The gossip sites are talking about a new 'secret' boyfriend for Britney Spears. They try to make it interesting by saying that he is a waiter. I Googled him. Michael Marchand is an actor. He has a page on IMDB. He has a role in the very lame sounding movie Knuckle Draggers that is in production.

Here is a buttload of pictures of the dude. There are several Michael Marchands on the Internet. I apologize to this one if he is not the rumored boyfriend. If he is the right guy, but the rumor is wrong, I apologize for that too.

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