Friday, November 02, 2007

Money Comes and Goes

Britney Spears' monthly spending is a matter of public record now. I have been advised that most people fudge these estimates quite a bit, but the figures seem to support the tabloid claims that she doesn't save any of her huge monthly income. It is a toss up as to what I find more shameful, the fact that she is not investing in the future of her children, or the fact that she gives so little to charity. I guess I can understand both. If her kids get in a financial bind when they are older, they can just sell their stories. And making regular payments to charity does not get you as much good will as doing one charity themed publicity stunt every other year.

How the hell can someone spend $800,000 a month? I am trying to not be too mean in this blog, but I am tempted to make a pie chart showing where I think the $112,000 on entertainment, gifts and holidays is going.

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